Can essential oils be added to a humidifier? The specifics of aroma use

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Vladimir Reshetnikov
Last update: January 2020

Do you want to fill your home space with healthy flavors? Do you think essential oils can be added to an air humidifier or are two different devices needed? Agree that buying several appliances is expensive, and you need a place to store this arsenal.

When there are no clear instructions on the use of aromatic additives in the humidifier's instructions, do not experiment. This is hazardous to health and may result in damage to the unit.

We will help you deal with the types of humidifiers that combine two useful functions in one device. We orient in a variety of essential oils. Well, if for some reason you do not want to buy a finished product, then we will tell you how to make it yourself.

Learning Instructions for the Instrument

Not every air humidifier can add essential oil. If you have already purchased such a device, and the idea of ​​flavoring came only now, do not rush to implement it immediately.

Because the device must contain such a characteristic feature of the simultaneous use of water and oil. The instructions for the humidifier prescribe its proper filling with these two different liquid components.

If you are still planning a purchase and are busy model selection, pay attention to the possibility of using the aromatization function in the device. Ask the seller what therapeutic oils can be added to which parts of the humidifier without affecting the operation of the device.

Flavored Humidifier
Even if you are not interested in this additional aromatization function today, everything may change in the future.After all, such a device is designed for many years of operation

So, we study the instruction:

  • It is written that you can add oil to the water tank. So the device is both a humidifier and a flavor. Together with steam, essential oil will come out of it, filling the room with a unique smell.
  • The design contains a special hole with a filter into which oil is dripped. As a full-fledged flavoring, this model is not worth considering. The aroma of ether will only be felt in the immediate vicinity of the humidifier.
  • The instructions do not contain permission or indicate a direct ban on the use of essential oils in the humidifier. Do not experiment with such a device, it can quickly fail.

A humidifier with a diffuser evaporates moisture while filling the air with volatile oils. The proportions that are not indicated in the instructions for the device can be selected independently according to a simple formula - for 5 square meters of room area 2 drops of mono-oil or oil mixture.

Optimal conditions for a home microclimate

It’s not only a certain temperature that helps to create comfort in the house, provision of standard humidity, but also a fragrant peaceful atmosphere. For example, essential oils with the smell of pine needles and citrus fruits are associated with a festive high New Year mood.

Rose oil, reminiscent of mother's perfume, causes a state of calm, love, protection. Is it worth buying a humidifier just for the sake of flavoring? It may well be that the air in your home is comfortable enough.

Verification of technical parameters

Humidity can be measured with a device called a hygrometer or a hygrometer. It provides humidity control and helps to orientate with the rational schedule of the humidifier.

Moisture meter
Electronic hygrometers have the highest accuracy in measuring moisture, but you can use an inexpensive mechanical sample at home

Humidity can be measured without instruments using a simple method. Fill the transparent glass with water halfway and refrigerate.

When the water temperature drops enough, to about +2aboutC, get a glass. In a place far from radiators or other sources of heat in the room, observe the top of the glass for about 5 minutes.

The conclusion will be as follows:

  • Humidity is average if after 5 minutes the walls of the glass are still foggy;
  • The air is dry if the surface of the glass is fogged up at first and then dried;
  • With increased humidity, streams of condensate water will appear on the glass.

A healthy microclimate has a moisture content of 40-60%. Perhaps you don’t feel very dry, you just want to fill the apartment or house with pleasant smells. If the humidity in your home is already at or above the permitted level, you can use aromatizing alternative devices.

Essential oils are sprayed using special diffusers, these include atomizers, nebulizers. Remember when buying that heating is contraindicated in oil, which is used in some sprayer models.

What threatens low moisture levels?

Suspicions of increased dryness were confirmed, so the air must be humidified. Because breathing dehydrated air is dangerous. It reduces immunity, contributes to the development of diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis. Many essential oils just successfully resist the occurrence of these diseases.

Natural Home Moisturizers
In the excessively dry air of the rooms, fountains, aquariums and some plants will increase the humidity of the air. In humid rooms all this beauty is harmful

And dry air is harmful to children. The optimal level for them, according to a reputable doctor E.O. Komarovsky, is 50-70%. In adults, low humidity causes headaches and skin aging. Drying of wooden furniture, plants, books, musical instruments is harmful.

The dangers of waterlogged air

The other extreme is also fraught with trouble. Overdoing with moisture will cause not the best sensations, but also illness and discomfort from dampness.

Increase humidity:

  • Inadequate ventilation, rare airing;
  • Prolonged boiling, drying things indoors;
  • Water tanks, aquariums, decorative fountains.

With high humidity, people are allergic to fungi and mold. Fight it with airing, get rid of plants that give away moisture in large quantities. For example, such as hibiscus, sparmania (linden), ficus, cyperus, nephrolepis (indoor fern), dracaena.

Humidification in the winter garden
Before you plant green plants in the bedroom, you need to determine their moisturizing properties. When choosing, be guided not only by aesthetic, but also by physical parameters

For oversaturated with moisture, climatic devices of directly opposite design are used, which are called air dehumidifiers. These devices do not emit, but absorb moisture in the room.

How to choose a humidifier?

There are three main types of appliances on the market. The most popular ultrasonic ones, with a wide margin behind them, are traditional and very rarely come across models with a vapor principle of operation. Among these species there are dozens of samples with aromatization and many other useful functions.

For example, with ionization, self-cleaning, a built-in lamp, remote control, automation and alarm.

An important indicator is performance. Based on this characteristic, the volume of evaporating water can be easily calculated. For example, a tank of 3 liters, consuming 0.4 liters per hour, will work without refueling for 8 hours.

This is a little, maybe not enough for sleeping. Developers always indicate the area of ​​humidification, the noise level. Management is possible from the instrument panel, remote control and using a smartphone.

Baby moisturizer
Humidifiers for children are distinguished by a wide variety of appearance. Those wishing to use the atomization of essential oils in the children's room should definitely consult an experienced pediatrician

You need to choose the device very carefully so as not to collide with uncomfortable ergonomics when adding water or the lack of steam supply settings. Convenient to use moisturizer, which is equipped with a special automatic on and off.

A hygrostat is mounted in it, which controls the humidity level in the room. Such a humidifier works in a given range of technical parameters.

Humidity sensors can be purchased and installed separately. So the adjustment will be even more accurate, because they will show the level in the farthest corner of the room, and not next to the device, as they are built-in.

Why do you need pleasant aromas?

Smells play an important role in the emotional life of a person. Molecules of essential oils enter the nose when inhaled along with air and steam from a moisturizer.

The olfactory receptors instantly transmit information to a region of the brain called the hippocampus. It is this department that is also responsible for emotions and memory. Therefore, smells in a split second return us to the past.

Writer Marcel Proust
In academia, the phenomenon of involuntary emotional memories with a sudden sensation of a familiar smell is called the "Proust effect." In honor of the novel “In Search of Lost Time” by the French writer Marcel Proust

We encounter aroma marketing quite often in life. The smell of freshly baked bread in a coffee shop, the freshness and cleanliness of the hotel, the aroma of an expensive clothing store - all these are just the right aromatic tricks that increase profits up to 15%.

Realtors, when displaying long-vacant apartments in which there is a specific unpleasant odor of the “undead,” also use this simple trick. They fill the premises with the scents of vanilla coffee and sales increase.That's how the proper use of a conventional moisturizer with essential oils helps business.

In everyday life, such memorable smells can be made a kind of psychological "anchors". Send them not to past memories, but to future ones.

For example, if your beloved grandmother is constantly charged with energy, vigor, relieves anxiety with the help of orange essential oil and a steam device, then the smell in the grandmother’s apartment is embedded in the memory of the child. In adulthood, a familiar citrus signal will return a person to childhood to strong rainbow emotions.

What essential oils to use?

Plant extracts perfectly help in the restoration of physical form, improve mental state.

Essential Oils Example
People knew about the healing properties of essential oils in ancient times. Modern studies have confirmed their effect on beneficial processes in the human body

Choosing the types of aromatic oils for your home air humidifier, you should think carefully about which one to choose from the many options offered. So that the benefits are obvious to both people and living quarters.

For relaxation, good mood

Essential oils have many positive properties, for example, accelerate the elimination of carcinogens from the body. Some substances, such as antioxidants, can slow down aging.

Massage room with aromas
Aromatized air humidifier is firmly established in the provision of psychotherapeutic, aesthetic services. Everyday everyday device with essential oils is used by masseurs, psychologists, cosmetologists.

Not only in special medical rooms you can use procedures with exposure to essential oils and vapors of an air humidifier. There is nothing difficult to master devices for home relaxation or increase activity.

Depending on your goal, psychotherapists advise you to use:

  • Against anxiety, stress - geranium, chamomile, frankincense, bergamot, citrus fruits, which have a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • With apathy, depressive states - lavender, orange, sandalwood, basil, improving emotional mood;
  • To improve memory and concentration - spruce, pine, black pepper, marigolds, orange, energizing, adjusting to the working rhythm;
  • Aphrodisiacs for sensuality - patchouli, musk, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, enhancing attraction, arousal;
  • To activate brain activity - bergamot, enhancing creative perception, extraordinary abilities.

All of these flavorings need to fill the space at the appropriate time of day. Improving sleep - at night, invigorating - in the morning and so on. The exposure time is selected individually, but not more than one and a half hours.

Health support, healing goals

Popular extracts of plants will help relieve you of sinusitis, runny nose, cough. Phytoncides of oils destroy viruses, antioxidants stimulate hair growth, strengthen the immune system.

Coniferous Essential Oils
The ingredients of essential oils are sprayed with a humidifier around the room, they instantly affect the human body.

Essential oils added to the humidifier enter human blood. That is why their effect shows a very quick healing effect.

Medical professionals recommend:

  • With difficulty breathing - rosemary, conifers, cloves, eucalyptus spherical, sage, anise, mint help with coughing, stimulate ligaments;
  • In the prevention of viral diseases - thyme, tea tree, yarrow, lemon slow the spread of infection, fight microbes;
  • To improve the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract), the cardiovascular system - orange, chamomile, juniper normalizes pressure;
  • From a headache - lemon, lavender, mint, basil help with migraines, relieve cramps.

No need to mix everything, gradually study the effect on your body.Listen to your sensations, if you smell unpleasant, discard such oil. Because there is nothing more subjective, individual, like the perception of aroma.

Improving the housing ecology

Essential oils are used not only for prevention and treatment. They are wonderful natural antiseptics that cope well with the disinfection of air, home surfaces and personal items.

Mold infected walls
Defeating mold control is not worth relaxing. This insidious disease at home can return if you do not take the whole range of health measures

Oils cope with protection against mold, fungus due to its bactericidal properties.

You can improve the atmosphere as follows:

  • a mixture of tea tree and eucalyptus will help in the fight against mold;
  • scared coconut oil, citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass;
  • tea tree mixed with lemon will destroy pathogens;
  • fir or cedar wood creates a bright aroma of the fireplace in the room.

Spraying a mixture of tea tree and lemon in a sports locker room is the best disinfectant for uniforms, shoes, and other special equipment.

The flip side of the fragrant coin

Harmful effects result from excessive enthusiasm for the humidifier-flavor. For example, you well know what you need to add to the humidifier in the treatment of colds, which oil is the most effective. But absolutely do not think about quantity, and overdose can not be underestimated.

Fragrant water treatments
Not every remedy has the same positive effect on different people. What helps one may well harm another

In some conditions and chronic diseases, it is generally better not to know about essential oils.

So, without the permission of a doctor, you can not experiment with aromatherapy:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • small children;
  • people with allergies.

You can not use fragrances for people with kidney disease, any stage of asthma, with thyroid gland dysfunctions, epilepsy, severe mental disorders. Essential oils are contraindicated in a painful condition accompanied by high fever.

Proper care and storage of appliances

Care must always be taken of the humidifier, even rarely used steam or ultrasound apparatus deep clean once every 2-3 weeks. In the case of the use of essential oil care procedures in the following order:

Daily cleaning after use

Unplug the device, unplug the power cord, and pour out the remaining water and oil solution. Wash parts of the humidifier with hot soapy water.

Use a brush when cleaning the tank of plaque, oil stains. Rinse with running tap water, dry all parts.

Be careful not to get moisture on the electric motor and other working elements of the device. For subsequent use, fill with an aqueous solution of essential oil a completely dry humidifier.

Weekly cleaning and disinfection

Treat diluted vinegar with a soap solution of the tank wall. Then rinse in running water. Follow all other daily cleaning procedures in the usual sequence.

Carry out when using a moisturizer for the treatment of essential oils. Open the windows before starting disinfection. You can use bleach at the rate of half a glass of funds for 4 liters of water. Pour the resulting solution into the tank and turn on the device.

As soon as the steam starts to turn off, turn off the humidifier. After 3-5 minutes, pour the disinfectant, rinse the tank. Then, several times, alternately change the water and turn on the device for 5-10 minutes. Stop processing after the bleach odor disappears.

In case of prohibition by the use of bleach, replace it with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the humidifier.

Humidifier cleaning
In traditional humidifier models whose instructions permit the use of essential oils, follow the filter replacement requirements

Particular attention is required to control the quality of the essential oil in the humidifier, which is used to treat the child, timely replacement. Watch the expiration date, store the product in a dark cool place, tightly close the container.

How to make it yourself?

Humidify and aromatize the air without any devices at all. It is enough to wet the towel, drip the essential oil and hang it near the radiator. For "automation", one end of the towel can be lowered into a container of water.

The easiest way to make a primitive humidifier with the almighty plastic tools of home craftsmen. Fill the bottle with water, drip the flavor and place it near the battery.

In the manufacture of structures that work on the principle of industrial designs, tools and electrical parts are required. Combining water and electricity in a homemade appliance is not the safest right way. Only experienced masters can engage in such experiments.

Humidifier do it yourself
An ultrasonic emitter for the manufacture of a humidifier can be purchased for 4-5 cu in Chinese online stores. It’s called “Mist Maker” or “Mist Maker”

The scheme of a homemade ultrasonic humidifier is an emitter lowered into a container of water. Produced cold steam is pushed out of the tank by a fan.

A radiator and a fan are connected to the 220 V network through a power supply. The polarity “+” and “-” of the circuit elements must be observed at the terminals. The emitter is held on water by a special float mechanism.

Put essential oil into the vessel, turn on the properly assembled device and enjoy the aroma. Those who are not confident in their skills are better off purchasing a ready-made device. The average market price of an ultrasonic humidifier with a flavor is 2-3 thousand rubles.

With the best models that moisturize the air in the room almost silently, introduce next article, which is worth reading to those who are concerned about the excessive sound of household appliances.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Instructions for use with a humidifier with a flavor:

An example of filling with aromatic oil and the operation of an air humidifier:

Overview of the new Spa.Box 1.0 aroma humidifier model:

You can easily find a useful appliance and flavorings on the trading floors. The devices are easy to maintain, durable. A variety of models differ in price, design, working capabilities.

Aromatization humidifiers are abundant on online store sites and on shelves in regular household appliance sales departments. As a rule, branded essential oils suitable for each model are also offered.

And what do you think, how useful are aromatized humidifications in the house, apartment? If you have experience in acquiring, using such devices, then please share them in the comments. Post your opinion, questions, interesting tips in the form below.

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